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Data base problem


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I got the following erreor from my admin/Categories! >_< Any help if you please


Categories / Products Status Action

1054 - Unknown column 'cd.categories_htc_title_tag' in 'field list'


select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.categories_image, c.parent_id, c.sort_order, c.date_added, c.last_modified, cd.categories_htc_title_tag, cd.categories_htc_desc_tag, cd.categories_htc_keywords_tag, cd.categories_htc_description from categories c, categories_description cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = '1' order by c.sort_order, cd.categories_name

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It means you have installed the database changes.




In fact, I'm not sure. but I have version 5 may be I sould have 4? because I got this one when I installed the STS4!

Or may be because I'm using the Franch version!! I don't think.


I replace my folder with the oldest one before installing sts4 => I got back my admin/etc...


I don't see the pb :'(

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In fact, I'm not sure. but I have version 5 may be I sould have 4? because I got this one when I installed the STS4!

Or may be because I'm using the Franch version!! I don't think.


I replace my folder with the oldest one before installing sts4 => I got back my admin/etc...


I don't see the pb :'(

Nidal, I responded to your PM. You did not complete the installation for the STS & HTC bundle. You still need to run the database script as mentioned in the installation manual. :thumbsup:

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

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