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Problems with PHP 5


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Hi, first of all sorry for my bad english. I have a server with Suse 9.5 and a control panel of Plesk 7.5, that have several oscommerce installed. But for security resons we need to upgrade to Suse 10.1 and a control panel of PLesk 8.1.


The problem is that the Suse 10.1 for defautl came with PHP 5. And if I try to downgrade to PHP 4 the server stop working with the Plesk 8.1. I need help because all my e-commerces didn't work now. Please tell me if I need to do any change in the source code to work with PHP 5 or it if something that I cane do to make my oscommerce back to normal.


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Well there can be issues related to register globals or mysql 5.0


for mysql use the update released in aug in oscommerce.


For register globals use VGER contrib.




Satish Mantri

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