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Showing tax in order confirmation


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This is a rather annoying problem. When it shows the price of each item in the list, it shows the itemprice with tax added. Then it shows the Subtotal down below with those taxed items (so it shows all items with tax applied in subtotal). Then it shows shipping with tax already applied. But if you want to show tax, it shows the total tax amount. This is SO confusing to customers. Is there a way to get the tax to only show up where it says tax and not already added to the items, subtotal, and shipping amount... without having to use a module? (I mention not using a module because we already have about 6 in our site and integration of more modules is becoming increasingly difficult).

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To explain this better: I'm enabling tax for all my goods when they are purchased in the same state. But when someone is logged in, it starts automatically adding tax to every item and option before they even get the checkout. Items are displayed with tax right away. Their options which may add a price are shown with tax right away. I think tax should only be shown and calculated at checkout. That's what I'm trying to do.

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When it shows the price of each item in the list, it shows the itemprice with tax added. Then it shows the Subtotal down below with those taxed items (so it shows all items with tax applied in subtotal). Then it shows shipping with tax already applied. But if you want to show tax, it shows the total tax amount.


This is SO confusing to customers. .




Us too!!

I don't understand your question.



You are syaing that when a user 'Adds To Basket' - the product is displayed in the right hand column with the taxes applied ?

And you don't want this ?


Is this your only question here ?



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