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error.....my admin is gone help


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I was editing my admin/includes/configure.php file and it errored while installing easypopulate contrib. I was downloading it to undo what i had done and somehow deleted it. I copied the same file from another install and changed the database name, server name, username and password and theoretically it should work Ithink but it does not can anyone help me this is what the error shows



1046 - No database selected

select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration


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I was editing my admin/includes/configure.php file and it errored while installing easypopulate contrib. I was downloading it to undo what i had done and somehow deleted it. I copied the same file from another install and changed the database name, server name, username and password and theoretically it should work Ithink but it does not can anyone help me this is what the error shows

1046 - No database selected
select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration


--> 1046 - No database selected


--> I copied the same file from another install and changed the database name, server name, username and password


If the database is there, i.e. you can hit it thru phpMyAdmin, then you must have an error in one of the paramters.

Are you using :


as the database server name ?

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I was editing my admin/includes/configure.php file and it errored while installing easypopulate contrib. I was downloading it to undo what i had done and somehow deleted it. I copied the same file from another install and changed the database name, server name, username and password and theoretically it should work Ithink but it does not can anyone help me this is what the error shows

1046 - No database selected

select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration




disregard i got it back. mysql is case sensitive duh.....

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