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The e-commerce.

My Store Doesn't Work - Help Please


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Hi everybody. I'm new to osC. I will appreciate any help you could give me.


My store isn't working.

I click in the categories links but nothing happen. I click in the products links and nothing happen.


I installed the store in two different servers. In one it is working fine. Unfortunatelly, the server were it works does not offer a good service.

I've noticed that upon clicking on a link (Default category Software, for example), the non-working store URL change to .../index.php/cPath/2 while in the working one it changes to .../index.php?cPath=2.


What is the problem? And of course, what is the solution?


Thank you very much in advance.

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did you read your documentation?


The answer to that question can be found in there.


In fact I did. I read the documentation and I'm almost sure I uploaded using ASCII.


Could the problem described before be caused by this?

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