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The e-commerce.

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Just installed OSComm and have the default site. I haven't a clue how to update to what I want. Can anyone help me get started. I really want a new look other than "OSCOMMERCE what's new here"!

My tech skills are not the greatest...







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Just installed OSComm and have the default site. I haven't a clue how to update to what I want. Can anyone help me get started. I really want a new look other than "OSCOMMERCE what's new here"!

My tech skills are not the greatest...









first of all go to style sheet there you can edit fonts and colours

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go here



for logo you can change it from




just replace your logo instead of (oscommerce.gif)


I have a /public_html/includes/header.php, is this the same thing? do i change every instance of oscommerce.gif to my file name?

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I dont know what is



it should ba catalog/includes/header.php


did you built adatabase?


if so just replace ( yourlogo.gif) instead of (oscommerce.gif)


sorry for my languge it is a third lang

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It looks like you've installed the code in the root of your server. /includes/header.php is probably what you are looking for... or you can simply replace the oscommerce.gif with your logo instead of editing the code.. much simpler


As for changing the text you'll want to look for /includes/language/english/english.php (assuming its english you're in) and change the words between the quotes but leave all the qoutes and semicolons in tact or the whole site will come to a grinding halt until you fix your change.


If you are really really new... remember BACKUP YOUR FILES!!!!! or else you'll be starting from scratch in no time.

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