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sort by product code or name


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i have a record shop and i want to sort my records by name and not price.


i want to sort it numerically. a generic title would be "INP004 - Artist - Title" i want the sort to check that INP004 is listed above INP003 and INP002 etc. i am sure you catch me drift. basically the higher the number the higher the listing on the products page (INP001 being the earliest or first release and INP011 being the last or latest release)


i am not sure whether to have the INP004 part in a separate field or bunch it together with the title. whichever i choose it doesnt affect the outcome


the only place i have seen and acend/descend radio box is in the Configuration - My Store - Expected sort order. regardless of what i choose the order stays the same. is there a module for this at all?


thanks for your help

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just adding the DESC changed it completely to what i wanted. why is that? i take it that DESC means description. so what was it taking before? not the whole description which included numerical data?

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