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Color settings


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Hi there! I cannot change the color for the categories names. It is black by default and I want it something else. I played with the css file for about two days but... no progress. I know it is something obvious but i need help here! I have installed Graphical Borders contribution. Thanks for the help :)





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1) Open /includes/boxes/categories.php and change this line:


$categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new) . '">';


to this:


$categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new) . '" class="categories">';


2) Open your stylesheet.css file and add a 'categories' link class:


a.categories {font...color....size etc etc}

a.categories:hover {font...some other color color....size etc etc}

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I know it sounds easier than it is but why can't you simply change your "boxes" color straight from the stylesheet already?

I mean you added the class in the categories.php but in fact, where do they set the color by default?

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