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Add hyper link in about_us text to contack_us


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Go to your catalog/includes/languages/english/about_us.php.


Insert where you want your link to be:

<a href="http://www.yourstore.com/catalog/contact_us.php">Contact Us</a>


Naturally, if you have your store under a different directory path, adjust as needed. This is just basic HTML that you are inserting into the text area of the page.

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Or do it like this to ensure session id is kept

<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) ?>">Contact Us </a>

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*smiles sheepishly* Ummm, yeah, Bill's way is definately more proper! One day I'll get this php stuffs down pat LOL


Thanks for the correction, Bill.

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Go to your catalog/includes/languages/english/about_us.php.


Insert where you want your link to be:

<a href="http://www.yourstore.com/catalog/contact_us.php">Contact Us</a>


Naturally, if you have your store under a different directory path, adjust as needed. This is just basic HTML that you are inserting into the text area of the page.


Thanks for the idea ended up with the following( <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) . '">' . BOX_INFORMATION_CONTACT . '</a>)


Just need to add color to link.



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Or do it like this to ensure session id is kept

 <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) . '">' . BOX_INFORMATION_CONTACT . '</a>


was going to use your suggestion but copied moonlight idea issue connecting this seemed to work. :blush: noticed this looks close to what you suggested during reply of thanks.



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Hmmmm just tried this on my FAQ page to do the links to other informational pages and it wouldn't work. Weird.


Hmmm, as far as I know it should. Will look into later on ...

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