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The e-commerce.

Installation / Template install (will pay)


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My apologies first for not doing this on my own but honestly I do not have the time or brainpower to follow thru.


I am in the process of etablishing an ecommerce site and keep coming back to os commerce. I have seen many of the diff templates out there but to get it all configured and setup, I would request assistance in someone else setting up for me. I also woulkd like for the perspective to be able to completely set the website up so please by adding the few products to the site as well.


If anyone is serious and wants to help me follow thru on this please pm me and we can discuss from there.


Thanks in advance.



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If you need help, please PM me with details. I done this before and I can show you my oscommerce work and I can even guide you how to do things (it's best to teach you). Also I can give few advices how to start and everything...

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