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EXCEL 1.51 Image Problem


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Can anybody help me please!!


I have added the Excel import/export module, all works fine, I can upload a txt file and again all is fine except for the images. I have the images in the image folder and the path in the upload file however the images will not dispaly on the live site. Clealry I am doing something wrong, I have tried every path that I can think of. The images upload OK individually using the browse function on the product input page.


Any help would be appreciated



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  • 2 weeks later...

I took a look at the imported products and figured it out. ^_^


I had to make a folder called 'Store' inside the images folder, and then put the product image inside a folder named for the manufacturer. (ie. pathtocatalog/images/store/Manufacturer/image.img) The name of the manufacturer must have the same capitalization.


I hope this helps someone.


NOTE: This is My site, it is currently under construction.

What happens when a crazy man goes insane?

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Is there a way to make it work with Images turned off?


If I create a product manually it works fine, but every time I upload my list, it still shows the dreaded red x box. I have a lot of products/manufacturers to add, and I was hoping not have to make a folder with an image for each manufacturer.


URL to site: http://www.smokymtnfoodgroup.com/catalog

What happens when a crazy man goes insane?

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