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Protect catalog area with user and password


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Is it posipple to protect the enter to the catalog area with user name and password ,simmilar to the admin aea,

but with the possibility to add users.

thank you



As a very simple solution you could do this on your hosting control panel, it will be something like Password Protect Directories. You just add the catalog folder to the directories to protect and then assign a username and password. You'll then get the log in option as per the admin.


This is the instructions for the cPanel if that's what your hosts use:



Hope that helps


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Is it posipple to protect the enter to the catalog area with user name and password ,simmilar to the admin aea,

but with the possibility to add users.

thank you


Well have a login/Register page on your site as the default page.

Once a client logs in then only he can go into other pages for this in application_top.php you can check whether a customer is logged in if not just redirect to the the login page.


Satish Mantri

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