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Images Not Sizing Properly


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Hi Guys,


I'm having some SERIOUS problems with images on product pages. For example, I'll upload a 300x300 size image, and when you 'Click To Enlarge' it'll be the same size as the one currently on show (which is something like 120x120).


How do I fix this? This is basically the one of the last things stopping me from going live! Any help appreciated! Thanks!

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Hi Guys,


I'm having some SERIOUS problems with images on product pages. For example, I'll upload a 300x300 size image, and when you 'Click To Enlarge' it'll be the same size as the one currently on show (which is something like 120x120).


How do I fix this? This is basically the one of the last things stopping me from going live! Any help appreciated! Thanks!




I don't know if this will help, but I had a similar problem, when I clicked to enlarge the pop up came out with the height cropped to about a quarter. I removed the fixed width setting int eh configuration and set the calculate image size to true.


admin > configuration > images > Calculate Image Size = true, Small Image Width = nothing entered.


Hope that helps.


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Once you've clicked and the new window pops up, the image size is 120x120. But I've not entered this in the 'Images' section. Maybe its somewhere else. Anybody?!


The code to size the pop up image is:

catalog > popup_image.php


it should read lines 28-32:


function resize() {
 if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') i=40;
 if (document.images[0]) window.resizeTo(document.images[0].width +30, document.images[0].height+60-i);



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