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The e-commerce.

AOL and OsCommerce


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AOL users have a problem - and it's AOL.


AOL caches web pages on a whole variety of different servers with different ip addresses. If you have a page which calls in a header, footer, left column, right column, images, modules, language files etc. every single one of those can end up cached on a different server.


The result is that AOL cannot follow a session trail properly in any dynamic shopping cart.



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AOL users have a problem - and it's AOL.


AOL caches web pages on a whole variety of different servers with different ip addresses. If you have a page which calls in a header, footer, left column, right column, images, modules, language files etc. every single one of those can end up cached on a different server.


The result is that AOL cannot follow a session trail properly in any dynamic shopping cart.




Thank you for taking the time to address my question...


So since it is AOL...is there anyway around this issue...I have an old client that is using oscommerce...and seems to not have any difficulty at all with AOL...but I ran into this issue while helping out a friend yesterday...and cannot recieve anything on an AOL or AIM account...while I do not like AOL myself...there are still so many users still out there...any suggestions?

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