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The e-commerce.

Best osCom you've ever seen

Martin Williams

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Still trying to get an understanding of the limits and boundries of osCom in deciding whether to shift from Zen Cart to OsCom or a Commercial Package - a lot of the sites in the directory are complete rubbish :'( so thought i'd ask...


What is the best site osCommerce site you've ever seen?





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The strongest advice I can give you is to choose an open source shopping cart. Don't be fooled by seductive marketing!


That being said; oscommerce is so vast, that you should be asking what cannot be done with it as opposed to what can.




PS: I do hope you share with us the nicest web sites you find of all the shopping carts you are looking at.

Best Regards,



Victor Wise

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If viewed as an e-commerce framework, oscommerce is more than capable of producing any site design you can think up, or draw in photoshop.


It is as technically competent as the best of the rest and has the added advantage of a great vibrant community that's willing to help.


Being open source means that you can get to the code and make changes as you wish - css layout, new features, even build the whole thing based on flash! - there are no limits.


I take the view when building a site that if I can think it up, then it's possible to do.


If you want an out of the box solution that looks a million dollars, you'll struggle to find that anywhere, commercial or otherwise.


good luck with your plans :thumbsup:

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If viewed as an e-commerce framework, oscommerce is more than capable of producing any site design you can think up, or draw in photoshop.


It is as technically competent as the best of the rest and has the added advantage of a great vibrant community that's willing to help.


Being open source means that you can get to the code and make changes as you wish - css layout, new features, even build the whole thing based on flash! - there are no limits.


I take the view when building a site that if I can think it up, then it's possible to do.


If you want an out of the box solution that looks a million dollars, you'll struggle to find that anywhere, commercial or otherwise.


good luck with your plans :thumbsup:


I would agree with Brian.


I run www.atlargenutrition.com and we have modified it quite heavily. I think anything can be done as long as you know exactly how you want it and.... can actually do it... ;)

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Still trying to get an understanding of the limits and boundries of osCom in deciding whether to shift from Zen Cart to OsCom or a Commercial Package - a lot of the sites in the directory are complete rubbish :'( so thought i'd ask...


What is the best site osCommerce site you've ever seen?





It is funny. I am trying to determine if I should go to zencart. I dont understand a great deal of this. I need help. Someone transferred my index to a new database called catalog 1, not interferring with my osc database in Catalog.

But my index.php is all out of sync and I don't know how to handle this problem. Getting the FONTS correct and the borders of the page to spread out a bit. My webmsster is out of the country. Seems forever

It seems my host company feels that the automatic download or return to the website is better with zencart for automatic downloads than osc. I am confused in this issue because google is giving me a problem. I need Level 2, but they feel it is not up to snuff. Is this true?



Need Advice please



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I bet you didn't think this one has an osCommerce engine - highly customized, it almost fooled me :D



I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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