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images or icons for the category menu


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I've got an osC site using STS up and running, but the client is not happy with the text driven category menu. Is there a reccomended contribution to allow users to place image icons before the categories, or use a graphic button instead of the text, something along those lines?


Baring that, what file would I need to edit to change the structure of the menu items. I.E. go in and place a generic button behind the text, and increase the font size, something like that.


If worse comes to worse, I can always use STS to create a static category menu, but that is not ideal


Thanks for your help!



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I've got an osC site using STS up and running, but the client is not happy with the text driven category menu. Is there a reccomended contribution to allow users to place image icons before the categories, or use a graphic button instead of the text, something along those lines?


Baring that, what file would I need to edit to change the structure of the menu items. I.E. go in and place a generic button behind the text, and increase the font size, something like that.


If worse comes to worse, I can always use STS to create a static category menu, but that is not ideal


Thanks for your help!



As far as I know, there isn't an existing contribution for it, but it wouldn't be too hard to code in... Just make a new field in the categories editting section of the admin to upload an icon for that category (and a new database field to store it), and then in the includes/boxes/categories.php file, make sure you pull that icon data along with the name and path information in the query, and prefix the category name with the icon image... If they have a default icon to use for any unassigned icon slots, you can either set this database field default to that icon filename, or you can add a check in categories.php to see if the categories_icon field is empty, and if it is, use the default icon filename, or if it is and !file_exists(DIR_WS_ICONS . $category['categories_icon']) or whatever, display the default icon image...





Richard Lindsey

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I've got an osC site using STS up and running, but the client is not happy with the text driven category menu. Is there a reccomended contribution to allow users to place image icons before the categories, or use a graphic button instead of the text, something along those lines?


Baring that, what file would I need to edit to change the structure of the menu items. I.E. go in and place a generic button behind the text, and increase the font size, something like that.


If worse comes to worse, I can always use STS to create a static category menu, but that is not ideal


Thanks for your help!




there is a CSS based menu contribution that would allow you to add a custom bullet to each category Item <li> although I don't know if that would work if you need a different icon for each menu item.


I haven't looked into the categories table (or code) of the database but you might be able to hard code a small html image icon into the categories_name fields depending on how the code uses those entries to build the menu.


something to the effect of...

<img scr="whatever.gif"...>category name etc.


It's probably not the cleanest way to go about it but might be fast and easy.


Depending on experience level you might even be able to add a categories_icon field to the database and find and alter the code that builds the menu to also include the icon into the links.


Some Ideas


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