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An sts issue?


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STS is great ...been testing in localhost also uploaded in a new site


now the issue


when sts 4.2 used with osc affiliate ...when the affiliate logged in and opens affiliate_summary.php ....


now click any [?] like in 'Clickthrough Rate: [?] Rs.25.00' ...


the popup window opens with sts template [single html file] with the place holders visible and with no help data included.


work correctly when sts deactivated.


any help?



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Sounds like the code hasn't been included in the sts_user_code file.


Your STS docs should be enough to explain how to do this.



Rob Bell - Inspired Graphix

Customising osCommerce in Australia, and the world!

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I'm sorry, but i cannot offer Free support via PM etc, and osCommerce forums prohibit me from putting any reference to paid support in my signauture.

However viewing my profile may provide links to my website or something like that which you may find useful.

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STS is great ...been testing in localhost also uploaded in a new site


now the issue


when sts 4.2 used with osc affiliate ...when the affiliate logged in and opens affiliate_summary.php ....


now click any [?] like in 'Clickthrough Rate: [?] Rs.25.00' ...


the popup window opens with sts template [single html file] with the place holders visible and with no help data included.


work correctly when sts deactivated.


any help?



You will get more detailed answers in the official STS forum as mentioned in the STS documentation. http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=204381




:thumbsup: Tip: When the pop-up image in your cart is coming up as a template page instead of the larger image ... try turning off Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development) which is on the MY STORE page in the Admin control panel under Configuring your catalog.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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You will get more detailed answers in the official STS forum as mentioned in the STS documentation. http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=204381




:thumbsup: Tip: When the pop-up image in your cart is coming up as a template page instead of the larger image ... try turning off Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development) which is on the MY STORE page in the Admin control panel under Configuring your catalog.

Thank you Bill and Rob for your answers.

actually i am still in dark, so for the time being decided to edit affiliate summery, affiliate_sales.php,affiliate_payment.php, affiliate_clicks.php etc

simply removed the

[?] and Click on [?] to see a description of each category.




define('TEXT_SUMMARY_HELP', '[?]');

define('TEXT_SUMMARY', 'Click on [?] to see a description of each category.');


now [?] and Click on [?] to see a description of each category. won't display

not a real solution but...



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