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The e-commerce.

Session IDs


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Somteimes session ids show up in my address bar, sometimes they dont. What is going on? I turned prvent spider sessions to true and force cookie use to false.

I am not sure what to do with "Force cookie use" should I make it true or leave it false?

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I am trying to make my site search engine friendly and speed it up.

I did something with cache, but ended up with some one else site on mine...a real nightmare. I fixed that.

I have turned GZip on compressed at 5

What else do I need to do without uploding contribs?

I also turned safe urls to "true" even though it says it is in development.

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you should leave the safe urls to off and install a contribution for SEO if you want your links to be shown as html. And if you set force cookies to true the visitor's info it is stored only with cookies. And it requires you have a dedicated ssl (or no ssl at all).


Setting it to false allows osc to use the session cookie or the url session so customers with cookies blocked they can still use your shopping cart. You can also use shared ssl this way


Now when you use shared ssl and you switch from the nonssl pages to ssl pages the session id is appended to the url as the cookie is domain specific. (assuming you have a good configuration setup)

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I am trying to make my site search engine friendly and speed it up.

I did something with cache, but ended up with some one else site on mine...a real nightmare. I fixed that.

I have turned GZip on compressed at 5

What else do I need to do without uploding contribs?

I also turned safe urls to "true" even though it says it is in development.


The big 3 contribs in osC SEO are:


Ultimate SEO Urls

Header Tags Controller


and a site map generator. This one's nice

Site Map


The rest is how well you do in targeting keywords in your text and product descriptions.



Everything's funny but nothing's a joke...

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