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I'm looking to fix and add a few things to my site. Our host had changed servers and apparently lost our database, but after a few nasty phone calls they found it! but now I get this error <FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!>

Well i'm not anywhere close to being able to understand it, that would be my first job needing to be fixed.






Your last host had it enabled, your new host does not. Search the contribution section and you will find the fix there. It is not a hard install.

Your last host had it enabled, your new host does not. Search the contribution section and you will find the fix there. It is not a hard install.



It's not a new host but the same host who changed things on me. Bastards....


They are saying that it's not thier fault if my software doesn't work with thier server. The thing they don'e seem to be understanding is that it worked perfectly fine beofre they went and meddled with it. Oh and i'm in the process of changing hosting companies...


More and more hosts are changing that setting because it is a security problem otherwise. The code in oscommerce is not setup to work with the option turned off. They should have warned you or provided a quick fix with a php.ini file but otherwise they are correct. To get your site working again, create a file named php.ini, insert this line of text into it

register_globals = On

and upload it to your shops root and admin directories. The better fix is to install the change Peter mentioned but your shop will work as it always did with the php.ini change.



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