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Email system


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Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\feedroller.com\wwwroot\store\admin\includes\classes\email.php on line 520


Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\feedroller.com\wwwroot\store\admin\includes\classes\email.php on line 520


Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\feedroller.com\wwwroot\store\admin\includes\classes\email.php on line 520


Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\feedroller.com\wwwroot\store\admin\includes\classes\email.php on line 520


Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\feedroller.com\wwwroot\store\admin\includes\classes\email.php on line 520


Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\feedroller.com\wwwroot\store\admin\includes\classes\email.php on line 520


Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 503 Bad sequence of commands. You must specify the recipients of a message before you can send it in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\feedroller.com\wwwroot\store\admin\includes\classes\email.php on line 520


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\feedroller.com\wwwroot\store\admin\includes\classes\email.php on line 520


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\feedroller.com\wwwroot\store\admin\includes\functions\sessions.php on line 37


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\feedroller.com\wwwroot\store\admin\includes\functions\sessions.php on line 23




I have had this error for a while. Not sure why! :-(

Is it a bad address or and address that is null?

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Assuming the code worked at one point, it would most likely be a bad email address or database. I would use phpmyadmin to look at the email addresses of he customers to see if they are all valid.



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Assuming the code worked at one point, it would most likely be a bad email address or database. I would use phpmyadmin to look at the email addresses of he customers to see if they are all valid.





I do have some blank email address. You think that could be causing it.


I have not looked at the code but I would assume that there is some validation before sending out the email. Right???

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I haven't looked at it either but the error indicated it does check, which would make sense. Emails are required for customers so you shouldn't have one without an email address. That is probably the problem.



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