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The e-commerce.

Some help needed with currency problems


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Ok so I have no experience with OSCommerce and I'm trying to set up a shop.


I have tried to change the default currency from USD to GBP with the values:


Code: GBP


Symbol Left: £

Symbol Right:


Decimal Point: .

Thousand Point: ,

Decimal Places: 2


Last Updated: 02/21/2007

Value: 1.00000000


Example Output:

£30.00 = £30.00


Now when I make new products the price is fine in the admin section but in the store the price remains in dollars. Then when I add an item to the shopping cart it puts it's value as o.


Also, when I add attributes the price is fine in the admin section but in the shop they come up as (+0).


Have I done something wrong?


Thanks :rolleyes:

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In includes/languages/english.php









I have done this and it still does not work. I have readded USD and now it shows in the shopping cart in dollars (correct to the amount it is in sterling) but in the product information it shows in dollars (without changing the value from the pounds). But in the attirbutes it shows in dollars at the correct exchange rate.


However, I still can't get it to show in sterling anywhere.

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Ok an update.


I have now managed to fix the problem with the shopping cart currency and also the product attributes but I cannot seem to fix the actual price shown for the product, either in the categories view or in the product description itself. in the categories view where all the products in a category are displayed it is still showing in dollars (and seems to be rounded to the nearest dollar :S) and in the product info view it has the amount it should be in pounds - but with a dollar sign instead.


It is clearly calculating correctly in sterling but i cannot get it to show a pouind sign there.


Any ideas?

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I used this solution from Vger and it worked:


1. Open up includes/languages/english.php
2. Change the define('LANGUAGE_CURRENCY', 'USD'); to define('LANGUAGE_CURRENCY', 'GBP');


Hope you get it resolved soon!

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