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Question to Jak about Links Manager


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Dear Jack


i Installed the link manager contribution. it seems to work but i do not understand few features of it. i hope you can clarify them to me


1) What is Link Check Phrase? It put as default my website address. Is this OK

2) If I click on CHECK LINKS the answer is ERROR READING URL - can not understand why ( i have added myself 3 links that if clicked form the link page it works fine)

2.1) Same if I go to Links Status - the links names are there but the links are missing

3) SEO friendly url's - I have installed the SEO friendly URL's and I thought the Links page will comply to them but this does not happen - did I miss something

4) Finally - i wonder if I use the categories as I actually do - are web bots going to be able to find the links?


hope you can clarify these questions to me


thanks a lot in advance




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1 - The links Check Phase is some text that is on the other site that the code checks to make sure your link is posted there. For example, let's say you are I swapped links and I told you that I wanted my entry on your site to read as "Link to Jack's shop." In my check phase, I would put all or part of that phase. Then when I clicked on the Check Link button in my admin for your site, if that phase was not found, the code would assume you no longer have my link up and I would remove yours.


2 - Possibly the url was not entered correctly in admin or your server doesn't allow such a connection. It could be other things too. I can't say without looking into it.


3 - There is an additional line that needs to be added to the .htaccess file. It was included in the ultimate seo contribution at one point but then was deleted. The code is shown in the support thread for Links Manager.


4 - It is the same as with the categories and products of your shop. As long as the link is valid, they will find the page.



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1 - The links Check Phase is some text that is on the other site that the code checks to make sure your link is posted there. For example, let's say you are I swapped links and I told you that I wanted my entry on your site to read as "Link to Jack's shop." In my check phase, I would put all or part of that phase. Then when I clicked on the Check Link button in my admin for your site, if that phase was not found, the code would assume you no longer have my link up and I would remove yours.


2 - Possibly the url was not entered correctly in admin or your server doesn't allow such a connection. It could be other things too. I can't say without looking into it.


3 - There is an additional line that needs to be added to the .htaccess file. It was included in the ultimate seo contribution at one point but then was deleted. The code is shown in the support thread for Links Manager.


4 - It is the same as with the categories and products of your shop. As long as the link is valid, they will find the page.



thanks a lot for your answer

i have one final question

what the RATING required to input when adding a link stands for?

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It isn't used. The original author put it in there since he thought to do something with it but nothing was ever done.



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