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Need help with a site I was making for someone - may be able to pay for help


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ok, as in my topic here: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=250170


Basically the site I'm working on, at http://www.additionzltd.com/catalog/index.php isn't working right in a few ways.


Still require the following to be done on this site;

  • All pages not displaying correctly need to be fixed (as described in linked thread, although additionally when a user tries to add ANY item to their cart, another blank page shows)
  • Error message at the top of the page needs to be fixed (not just commented out!)
  • Need phpMyadmin installed
  • We need an addon installed that is available in contributions, which will send new member applications to the site owner to be looked over before being activated by him
  • Site needs to be set up so that all orders totalling under £75 will incur a P&P fee, whereas orders above £75 will have no P&P charges
  • Site needs to be fully operational and working with paypal as payment method (paypal should already be set up)

It would also be of a great help if anyone helping with this can send us a note to describe what was wrong with the site and how each area was fixed.


If anyone can help me with this, please PM me or post here quoting how much you would charge to help us out here.


Thanks to anyone who can help in advance.

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The pages that dont display corectely for you I am asuming is to do with your Contab that i assume you have tryied to install perhaps upload teh revent files again i.e the orginal one before you moded them that will at lest get the pages working and you can then set about sloving what whent worng and where


you need to sort our your configure file re: set your permissions on it this is done through your FTP program



phpMyadmin that is a server side system i do belive and acourding to your other post your on a window server if and how the two mix if at all l dont know but i would contact your host provider if you dont have phpMyadmin installed on the serevr and see if they will install for you


postage fees can be done through your shop settings you will have to just take time to look at it and figure out how to best do it for you needs


if you have paypal moudule installed then it should work....

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The pages that dont display corectely for you I am asuming is to do with your Contab that i assume you have tryied to install perhaps upload teh revent files again i.e the orginal one before you moded them that will at lest get the pages working and you can then set about sloving what whent worng and where


Hey thanks for replying.. I'm not sure what you mean by Contab.. what files would I have to reupload here?



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contab = contribution


if you have tryed to upload the admin manage thing you talked about then chances is you would have had to edit or make changes to the pages that are not showing corectly for you and or due to the way it was set up has cased an error in said pages


so if you know hat pages you edited or made changes to you should upload them from your backup/default copy and that should return them to normal and then you can set about adding the contab again

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hiya, i've not tried to install the admin approval contribution, because as far as i could tell you needed phpmyadmin to install it :/


the only contribution i've added is hidden prices for non-logged-in users, which seems to be working fine...

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