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I am complete newbie to OSC, so let me get that out there right now! I installed today and everything went pretty well. I also installed the module for Register_globals, which seemed to help since I am on a Windows server. Admittedly, I have little experience with PHP, though I work in ASP and SQL almost daily, so code is not a complete mystery to me.


After my initial install, I went to the homepage of the catalog, and it looks great. Only problem is, when I click on any links on the page, I get a blank page. That would be bad enough, but when I try to go back, I also get a blank page. Only way to correct it that I have seen so far is to close the browser and open a new instance. Is this some common mis-install that I missed? Any suggestions to fix? Thanks in advance for the help.

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OK, I got the links to work, there was a clear issue with access to the db. I thought that was all set properly when I installed, but it wasn't correct in the config files. I straightened that out and alas - it works!


However, now I have a separate issue. I get the dreaded '/tmp directory does not exist' error. I tried adding tmp folders to all sorts of directories, all with no success. If I change the config file to use mysql, instead of the /tmp, the error goes away, but I am back to the issue I had before, in that none of the links from the main page work any longer. I assume that this still has something to do with the db access, but not sure what to look at. Any suggestions? Thanks for the help

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