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I've installed a contribution that adds additional category boxes. The problem is, my site is based on a template and I can't figure out which files to edit to make the new boxes look like my original ones. I've consulted the support forum for the contribution, but I can't get any response. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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I've installed a contribution that adds additional category boxes. The problem is, my site is based on a template and I can't figure out which files to edit to make the new boxes look like my original ones. I've consulted the support forum for the contribution, but I can't get any response. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


why don't you ask the people who you bought the template from ?

it should be under : /includes/boxes/categories.php


read your index.php file from top down - and open any files that make a reference to a require or an include.

then start looking through all the files .

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