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different image size for different products?

jaap de mink

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I am looking for a way to create different image sizes. In the productlisting all images are resized into the small image size which is defined in the administration configuration image values, however i have some products which I want to be displayed with a different size image for example t-shirts image size width 100 height 180, placemats image width 180 height 100 is there a way?

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I am having the same problem: pictures of bottles are vertical (height is bigger than width) while pictures of keyboard are horizontal (width bigger than height).

When I upload them now, the result is awful............. I don´t want them to be resized in only one way.

Is anyone available to send a solution?????

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I am looking for a way to create different image sizes. In the productlisting all images are resized into the small image size which is defined in the administration configuration image values, however i have some products which I want to be displayed with a different size image for example t-shirts image size width 100 height 180, placemats image width 180 height 100 is there a way?



Admin panel --> Configuration --> Images --> Small Image Height (leave this value blank!)

Admin panel --> Configuration --> Images --> Small Image Width (set this value to 180)



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