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Deactivating Links For Secure Server


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As we use protx for processing payments they are very secure in what can and can't be displayed on their payment pages.


I have designed a specific page for there cart which can be found here:




and here:




they have said that i would need to remove the search box which is no problem, but also, we cannot have any links pointing away from the page.


Since i have uploaded all the specific files into a folder to achieve this look is there a way that i can remove all the hyper links from the text on these pages?


Any help would be appreciated.


Many Thanks


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Although you could remove all th elinks from left/right column & footer by making changes in the relevant boxes youve uploaded to protx server, I cannot see why it is necesary or good idea to have the two columns/footer on the protx server pages. You could just change the look (with your logo & colour scheme) of the protx pages to match your site, which is much simplier and what protx would like you and has provided templates for you to do. You do not want you customers to click a link to go back to your site while what they should focusing on doing is to fill in the details and click the proceed/confirm buttom asap, do you?



commercial support - unProtected channel, not to be confused with the forum with same name - open to everyone who need some professional help: either PM/email me, or go to my website (URL can be found in my profile).

over 20 years of computer programming experience.

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I appreciate your comments Ken and that's exactly what we don't want, customers clicking back, and in fact that's what protx doesn't want either as it causes issues with their system.


We do however, want to maintain the feel of our site and feel that what protx offer is just not enough.


If you know how to remove the links from the left, right, footer etc it would be highly appreciated if you could let us know how.


Many Thanks


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