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Optional Related Products, Version 4.0


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This is from your page source

 <tr>        <td>Related products should follow</td>      </tr>       <tr>        <td></td>      </tr>

You gan see the empty secont <tr><td></td></tr>, that should be not empty because of the echo we have on top of this file that should appear always.


Even if your modules directory was not correctly defined, putting the file in the includes directory (that must be ok, else the site don't work at all) should show our echo


Last thing to do maybe, is to go to your cpanel and check if the file is there (the optional_related_products.php), it's permissions etc



I checked its permissions and set it to 777 on optional_related_products.php is there anything else?

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I can send you my logins to my server if you could help me with this. I would prefer to email the settings though.

Other thing would be to take the complete content of optional_related_products.php and paste it into product_info.php, replacing the



Try and lets see what will come up (use the file version with the echo on top)


EDIT: No file should be 777, but this is not the issue right now

Edited by multimixer
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Other thing would be to take the complete content of optional_related_products.php and paste it into product_info.php, replacing the



Try and lets see what will come up (use the file version with the echo on top)


EDIT: No file should be 777, but this is not the issue right now



Alright now I'm getting at least an error. http://www.heattreatdepot.com/product_info.php?products_id=132 please let me know what you think.

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Alright now I'm getting at least an error. http://www.heattreatdepot.com/product_info.php?products_id=132 please let me know what you think.


I think that you didn't complete the installation.


The error says that it can not find a table in the database. This table is getting created by the file sql_setup_related_products.php that comes with the addon. You need to upload the file and then go to yourdomain.com/admin/sql_setup_related_products.php


Also: Can you tell me what you have in your file includes/filenames.php, the line that says

define('FILENAME_RELATED_PRODUCTS', 'optional_related_products.php');

How does your line look like?

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I think that you didn't complete the installation.


The error says that it can not find a table in the database. This table is getting created by the file sql_setup_related_products.php that comes with the addon. You need to upload the file and then go to yourdomain.com/admin/sql_setup_related_products.php


Also: Can you tell me what you have in your file includes/filenames.php, the line that says

define('FILENAME_RELATED_PRODUCTS', 'optional_related_products.php');

How does your line look like?



I ran the sql again and hit install and it took me to the regular admin side. Also, I checked filenames.php and that line was not there so I put it in but it still didn't do anything.

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I ran the sql again and hit install and it took me to the regular admin side. Also, I checked filenames.php and that line was not there so I put it in but it still didn't do anything.


I created you a login real quick the username: user1 and password: change let me know if you can look at this issue.

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I ran the sql again and hit install and it took me to the regular admin side. Also, I checked filenames.php and that line was not there so I put it in but it still didn't do anything.


The only thing I can tell you is to go over the installation again, maybe the missing line in file filenames.php wasn't the only thing you missed


First I would leave the contents of optional_related_products.php into the product_info.php and in a second step replace it again with the include statement

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I created you a login real quick the username: user1 and password: change let me know if you can look at this issue.


Cancel this user you created immediately. Do you want maybe the half word to enter? I'll PM you

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Alright it is deleted.


Check also your admin settings under configuration>related products, did you set there a number of products to display or is it maybe 0?


Also, your error says




You didn't define the table in file includes/database_tables.php as follows

  define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_RELATED_PRODUCTS', 'products_related_products');

Edited by multimixer
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Check also your admin settings under configuration>related products, did you set there a number of products to display or is it maybe 0?


Also, your error says




You didn't define the table in file includes/database_tables.php as follows

  define('TABLE_PRODUCTS_RELATED_PRODUCTS', 'products_related_products');



I set it to 3 but I'm still getting the sql error but if I add a related product then go to my cpanel and mysql admin area it is adding this to the sql but I'm still getting the error.

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I set it to 3 but I'm still getting the sql error but if I add a related product then go to my cpanel and mysql admin area it is adding this to the sql but I'm still getting the error.



That fixed it I appreciate all of your help. That was the best support I have ever got on this forum and I really thank you for that.

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I set it to 3 but I'm still getting the sql error but if I add a related product then go to my cpanel and mysql admin area it is adding this to the sql but I'm still getting the error.


Read what I said. You didn't define the table in file includes/database_tables.php


Place back your backup files before the tests we did and delete the file optional_related_products.php from the folder includes/ (leave it in includes/modules/ where it has to be)


Also, go through all installation again and check if you did all changes as described in the intall.txt file


EDIT: Glad to know hat it works now, still, recheck your installation for other mistakes that may cause "hidden" errors

Edited by multimixer
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Hi, The conrib is installed and works very well, however I would like to change the layout of the related products, so they display one product to a line....


image - name - price - buy now


I have the products short description contrib installed and would like to know if i could display a shortend product description on the optional prelated products page.


image - name - short description - price - buy now


Kind regards

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  • 3 weeks later...


i´ve installed everything and when i go to BOX_CATALOG_CATEGORIES_RELATED_PRODUCTS in catalog and i click IMAGE_BUTTON_NEW_INSTALL, appear the next sentence



1366 - Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'configuration_group_id' at row 1


INSERT INTO `configuration_group` VALUES ( '', 'Related Products', 'Optional Related Products module', '999', '1' )





did i forget something during the installation?

i´ve thought that it could be a problem with MYSQL 5.1


has someone any idea??


thanks for your help



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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

hello ..


nice addons ... it was work good but i after i install the Ultimate SEO Urls 5 PRO and the HeaderTags SEO V3.2.5 its still work but there is something wrong :

1- the botton buy now not work .. its not go anywhere.

2- continue shopping botton its go back to last product .. its not go back to the last Category.


any help plz



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hello ..


nice addons ... it was work good but i after i install the Ultimate SEO Urls 5 PRO and the HeaderTags SEO V3.2.5 its still work but there is something wrong :

1- the botton buy now not work .. its not go anywhere.

2- continue shopping botton its go back to last product .. its not go back to the last Category.

3- back button in the product_info not work anymore.



1. i think the problem is here

       echo '<a href="'
           . tep_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), tep_get_all_get_params(array('action'))
           . 'action=rp_buy_now&rp_products_id=' . $products_id_slave) . '">'
           . tep_image_button('button_rp_buy_now.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_RP_BUY_NOW) . '</a>';

how i can change it to work ....

3. and here for the back button in the product_info...

	<td class="main">
			<?php $referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
  if (!$referer == '') {
     echo '<a href="' . $referer . '">' . tep_image_button('button_back.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_BACK) . '</a>';
  } else {
      echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, tep_get_path($current_category_id = '')) . '">' . tep_image_button('button_back.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_BACK) . '</a>'; }

how i can change it to work ....

any help plz



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  • 1 month later...

A hello from Brazil, do not know much about programming, but some time ago installed the version 4. Everything works fine, but when he did not retreat product updates and still getting the admin related to this image:






I know that he should clean up automatically, but here is not working ...


What is the easiest way to solve this?



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  • 2 months later...



I have installed Version 4.0a and am a bit lost now.


After clicking the new install sql button the script installs the table and configuration values. I can see it in mysql and in admin/configuration where I have new options under related products.


The only problem is that, after clicking the install sql button, I am not transferred to the configuration page. And the sql Installation screen does not disappear. I don´t get to the related products screen in admin/catalog box. In the browser line it still says www.xxx.xx/sql_setup_related_products.php where it should say www.xxx.xx/optional_related_products.php



Can anyone give me a hint where to look at?



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I have installed Version 4.0a and am a bit lost now.


After clicking the new install sql button the script installs the table and configuration values. I can see it in mysql and in admin/configuration where I have new options under related products.


The only problem is that, after clicking the install sql button, I am not transferred to the configuration page. And the sql Installation screen does not disappear. I don´t get to the related products screen in admin/catalog box. In the browser line it still says www.xxx.xx/sql_setup_related_products.php where it should say www.xxx.xx/optional_related_products.php



Can anyone give me a hint where to look at?




The above post was regarding a second install of the optional related products contribution. e.g. to list related products and related accessories in two different modules on product listing.


Where the first installation, following the instructions, works just fine, I had trouble with the included sql_setup_related_products.php file. After two days of trying I still wasn´t able to modifiy this file so it would install the sql for a second or third copy of the contribution.


So I strongly recommend to anyone who plans to use two or more copies of this contribution in one shop to create your own sql command file and run this in mysql instead of using the admin/setup_related_products.php file that comes with the contribution.


From there it´s as easy as "find and replace" to use this contribution multiple times in one store and even have separate configuration options for every copy of it. Optional Related Products works so much easier and faster than the Cross-Sell/X-Sell Contribution. My Thanks go to the original sponsors.


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  • 1 month later...

Hey all,


I have been using this contribution for a while quite successfully. One annoying thing I have found though is:

  • I have the same product copied to a few different sections. So for example I have a necklace in a section called royal, Cool, and another section called new arrivals.
  • when I delete the product from one of the categories oscommerce asks me if I want to delete it from the other 2 categories as well. I choose not to as I just want to remove it from new arrivals for instance.
  • No matter which one I delete it also removes all the related products even if I still have the product in 2 other categories. This doesnt matter if it is the original product created or a copy it always deletes the related products for that item.

Is there any way to fix this issue?


Thanks for any help/tips.

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