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The e-commerce.

Optional Related Products, Version 4.0


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Hi there


I just finished installing the module all went perfect great install text files great job.


The only problem im encoutering with is that it seams that the module (catalog site) aint reading the database configuration data couse i have set all options to true and max number to 3 but only product name and product price are shown and there are more then 3 related products shown


Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this minor error ??


Best regards Djunity

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I shouldn't really be here, as I don't need any support, but I have to say that this is a really excellent contribution with precise installation instructions.


Thank you very much to all those involved in the development of this useful and well thought out add-on.

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Hi there


I just finished installing the module all went perfect great install text files great job.


The only problem im encoutering with is that it seams that the module (catalog site) aint reading the database configuration data couse i have set all options to true and max number to 3 but only product name and product price are shown and there are more then 3 related products shown


Does anyone have an idea on how to fix this minor error ??


Best regards Djunity


Hmm think i found the problem it looks like in the admin section in the configuration section for related options if you change an setting from True to False our backwords the settings aint changed in the database.


Only not sure what the problem is and how to fix this does anyone have an idee ??

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Good points. success.gif normally lives in /admin/images/icons/ (I just copied it to /catalog/images/icons/)


Defines need to be added to /includes/languages/YOUR-LANGUAGE-FOLDER/shopping_cart.php:


/* Optional Related Products (ORP) */
define('TEXT_RELATED_PRODUCTS', 'You may also be interested in...');
define('RELATED_PRODUCTS_PRICE_TEXT', '<font color="ff0000"><b> %s</b></font>');
define('RELATED_PRODUCTS_QUANTITY_TEXT', 'Only %s left!');
define('RELATED_PRODUCTS_BUY_NOW_TEXT', '    Add to Cart');


Anything else?

Thanks for this excellent add-on to an excellent add-on!

I've managed to get the Related Products in Cart add-on working, but it looks a bit odd, in my view.


The text for each item is in the form of a list under the thumbnails, rather than under the thumbnail it corresponds to. Maybe it would be easier if you saw for yourselves. Here's a product with related products. If you add it to the cart, you'll see what it looks like (careful though, it's a live site).


It's still perfectly usable, but for a consistent look, I would prefer the text under the thumbnail.

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:rolleyes: I´m very happy that I found this contrib. It was possible to install for me but now I have two questions:

- how can I make the article name in the drop down menu (admin area) longer. question.jpg

- what means "inherit", what is the funktion of it?



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:rolleyes: I´m very happy that I found this contrib. It was possible to install for me but now I have two questions:

- how can I make the article name in the drop down menu (admin area) longer. question.jpg

- what means "inherit", what is the funktion of it?





Inherit means take over all options from product A to product B so that product A and B have the same related products


In the admin section / configuration / related products there is a line " Admin Display: Drop-Down List Maximum Length " by default it is 25 you can set a higher value there.


Beste Regards Djunity

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Inherit means take over all options from product A to product B so that product A and B have the same related products


In the admin section / configuration / related products there is a line " Admin Display: Drop-Down List Maximum Length " by default it is 25 you can set a higher value there.


Beste Regards Djunity


Thank you for this informations. :rolleyes:

I fit the problem with the length an understand the meaning of INHERIT, but INHERIT doesnot work. I chose two articles, press INHERIT and nothing happens. What can be wrong? :(

What must I do to have the sortorder activated, I try all options in the admin area but nothing changes. All the time the relatetd articles are randomised.


Friendy Regards


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Thank you for this informations. :rolleyes:

I fit the problem with the length an understand the meaning of INHERIT, but INHERIT doesnot work. I chose two articles, press INHERIT and nothing happens. What can be wrong? :(

What must I do to have the sortorder activated, I try all options in the admin area but nothing changes. All the time the relatetd articles are randomised.


Friendy Regards



You first have to add some products to product A for exemple


Product A is: " Shorts "


You want to add: " Sweather " and socks " So you do


Product A: Shorts Product B Sweather press insert

Product A: Shorts Product B Socks press insert

So Product Shorts has Socks and Sweather as related products.


Now you also have A product " Pants " and you want Pants to have the same related products as Shorts


So Product A will be Pants and Product B will be Shorts and then press Inherit

Basicly its like this Product A will inherit all related products from Product B

But you first have to make a set of related product before you can inherit


This all is allready in the files from the contrib there is an explenation on how the contrib work


About the randomized related options please check-out the related product configuration in the admin section its all there you can set options to True or False.


Hope this helps you out


Best Regards Djunity

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You first have to add some products to product A for exemple


Product A is: " Shorts "


You want to add: " Sweather " and socks " So you do


Product A: Shorts Product B Sweather press insert

Product A: Shorts Product B Socks press insert

So Product Shorts has Socks and Sweather as related products.


Now you also have A product " Pants " and you want Pants to have the same related products as Shorts


So Product A will be Pants and Product B will be Shorts and then press Inherit

Basicly its like this Product A will inherit all related products from Product B

But you first have to make a set of related product before you can inherit


This all is allready in the files from the contrib there is an explenation on how the contrib work


About the randomized related options please check-out the related product configuration in the admin section its all there you can set options to True or False.


Hope this helps you out


Best Regards Djunity


Thanks for the help, inherit works and now I know how :-)

But the randomize products will not be sorted

- I give all related product of the master a number

- I try true and false in: Use Random Display Order

Do you have any more ideas? Which file I have to check?


Best regards


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Thanks for the help, inherit works and now I know how :-)

But the randomize products will not be sorted

- I give all related product of the master a number

- I try true and false in: Use Random Display Order

Do you have any more ideas? Which file I have to check?


Best regards



Nope not really only know of the option in the admin section i once had a problem with the module not reading the database options i fixt it by reinstalling the module from scratch on


Best Regards Djunity

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  • 3 weeks later...



to start: Thank you very much for this contribution, works like a charm and easy to install!


I would like to know if it is possible to open the related products in a new screen, (_blank), rather than loading it into the same screen. I would like this to happen when you click the image/text link, as well as the "Buy now" button. I tried first myself, but couldn't find which file triggers this reactie. Could you help?


Also (and this is more for a future version), is it possible that when someone clicks "Buy now" in the related products box, that articles is put in the shopping cart right away, without leaving the "parent" page (so you won't go to your shopping cart). Or is this already supposed to happen, and did I not configure it right ;-)?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not a guru by any means lol....


I have installed this contrib and received the following message on the product pages.


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'RELATED_PRODUCTS_MAX_DISP' at line 14

SELECT pop_products_id_slave, products_name, products_model, products_price, products_quantity, products_tax_class_id, products_image FROM products_related_products, products_description pa, products pb WHERE pop_products_id_slave = pa.products_id AND pa.products_id = pb.products_id AND language_id = '1' AND pop_products_id_master = '53' AND products_status='1' ORDER BY rand() limit RELATED_PRODUCTS_MAX_DISP


Yeah Yeah I am learning as I go... lol

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OK so I only have one question.


How do I customize the look on the product_info.php page? I want to match my layout... I am going through files trying to see where it is calling colors - borders - etc.




Thank you for your time in making this one happen!!!!!


example: http://www.themancaveoutletstore.com/reno-...table-p-47.html

Edited by lowkey704

Yeah Yeah I am learning as I go... lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for this contribution. I am brand new to all this. I just finished following the directions. After I went to check my stoer nad it no longer appears. example: www.mylifeexposed.com/shop. ??? there used to be a store that showed up. i dont know what I could have changed, but any help would be appreciated.


Thanks, Ken


I forgot to add. My admin stuff all seems to work

Edited by tortuga
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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you for this truly excellent contribution Skittles. I have installed ver. 4.0 and almost everything is working now including all the styling. I have just one question:


some of the item names are longer causing the product image to not be aligned correctly because of the center alignment of the text I believe. Here is a screen shot:




So my question is where do I look to fix this problem?


Thank you so much,



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Is it possible to use this contribution with the contribution More Pics 2.04? Is there anyone how uses these two contributions for his store?




I installed this great contributions and it's working fine exept for the thumbnail (that's why I asked if there's someone who uses this and more pics.


I changed the code in the catalog\includes\modules\optional_related_products.php:



// show thumb image if Enabled


echo '<a href="' products_image. tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $products_id_slave) . '">' . "\n"

. tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $attributes_values['products_image'], $attributes_values['products_name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"').'</a><br>' . "\n";




// show thumb image if Enabled


echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link (FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, tep_get_all_get_params() . '#morepics') . '">' . tep_image (DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products_main_image, $product_info['products_name'], (MORE_PICS_RESTRICT_PARENT=='false'?'':SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH), (MORE_PICS_RESTRICT_PARENT=='false'?'':SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT), 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '<br></a>';


And now the frontend shows a thumbnail but of course from the orginal image and not from the related product.


I have to put somewhere the $products_id_slave?



Anyone who can help me with this problem?


Thanks in advance

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thanks for a great contribution!


I have installed everything, but seem to have a problem with the formatting of the page. The info has shifted to the right, so I have a huge white space in the middle.


I have tried searching the forum, but am a little stuck. I don't really know php, so the code is a little confusing for me to check through.

Please check this link to see the prob..


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Hi all,


I am trying to install the contribution, but am having some difficulties installing it.


The error I see on my product page is this:


1146 - Table 'handmade_jewel.TABLE_PRODUCTS_RELATED_PRODUCTS' doesn't exist

SELECT pop_products_id_slave, products_name, products_model, products_price, products_quantity, products_tax_class_id, products_image FROM TABLE_PRODUCTS_RELATED_PRODUCTS, products_description pa, products pb WHERE pop_products_id_slave = pa.products_id AND pa.products_id = pb.products_id AND language_id = '4' AND pop_products_id_master = '206' AND products_status='1' ORDER BY rand()



I use PHP version 4.4.8 and MySQL 4.1.22-standard


I did not get any errors when installing the database, but somehow it is not working.


Any ideas?

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