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The e-commerce.

navigation buttons


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I'm new at this. I've got a very basic question. I'm working on an already existing site. I would like to remove one of the buttons in the header - home, about, sale.... but I cannot find that in the header.php or application_top.php


could someone please tell me where to change this?


Also I would like to change the date of copyright at the very bottom of each page. I cannot find that in footer.php or application_bottom.php


Any help would be very appreciated.

Thank you so much



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Did you look in the includes folder?






I'm new at this. I've got a very basic question. I'm working on an already existing site. I would like to remove one of the buttons in the header - home, about, sale.... but I cannot find that in the header.php or application_top.php


could someone please tell me where to change this?


Also I would like to change the date of copyright at the very bottom of each page. I cannot find that in footer.php or application_bottom.php


Any help would be very appreciated.

Thank you so much



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Did you look in the includes folder?

Well obviously - as the OP already said he "cannot find that in the header.php or application_top.php" :-)


To the OP - the images you list as wanting to remove (Home, About, Sale) are not part of the stock OSC install. Have you purchased a template? In that case they could be anywhere - templates are notoriously badly coded. In a stock OSC install the code you are looking is in header.php and looks something like this:


<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'header_account.gif', HEADER_TITLE_MY_ACCOUNT) . '</a>

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