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The e-commerce.

Admin Password Problem


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I am helping a disabled women get a webstore up and running. A Canadian fellow put together a basic osCom site for her, which I have been doing some work on. The problem is she doesn't know the username and password for Admin, and can't contact said guy to find out what it is. Is there any way to extract it from the files, or reset it, without having to do a complete reinstall on the server?

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I am helping a disabled women get a webstore up and running. A Canadian fellow put together a basic osCom site for her, which I have been doing some work on. The problem is she doesn't know the username and password for Admin, and can't contact said guy to find out what it is. Is there any way to extract it from the files, or reset it, without having to do a complete reinstall on the server?


I assume you have ftp credentials ?


create a new username and password combination in an .htpasswd file, and access that file by creating a .htaccess file, and uploading it to the /catalog/admin directory.


use this form for your password :


or this :



and upload the contents in a file called .htpasswd to a directory ideally lower than the root like :



Then create a .htaccess file like this and dump it in the admin directory of the store :

AuthName "Section Name"

AuthType Basic

AuthUserFile /home/username/passwords/store/hidden/.htpasswd

Require valid-user




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