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The e-commerce.

oscommerce stopped working after PHP 4.4.5


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my provider installed the PHP4.4.5 update this morning and after that my shops stopped working. When I go to my shop, I get a blank page (same in my admin).

When I did a fresh install on another domain on the same server, I got the same result.

Here is the changelog of PHP 4.4.5 http://www.php.net/ChangeLog-4.php#4.4.5


Please, who can help me!


Best regards,



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my provider installed the PHP4.4.5 update this morning and after that my shops stopped working. When I go to my shop, I get a blank page (same in my admin).

When I did a fresh install on another domain on the same server, I got the same result.

Here is the changelog of PHP 4.4.5 http://www.php.net/ChangeLog-4.php#4.4.5


No errors at all ? Just a blank browser ?

register_globals is my guess.

Are you able to turn on php's error_reporting ?


Are you able to upload and execute this file :







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Dump this at the top of your includes/application_top file.

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);



What a sec - it should alrweady be there. ??





I've got the same problem since i migrate to php-4.4.5

Also, i've no error at all, i roll back to php-4.4.4


Do you have any clue about this ?

Do you succed to make working oscommerce and php-4.4.5 ?




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A quick check under windows with debuger 4.4.5 I find this to be the problem.


Registering an undefined variable crashes apache.


This works

$cart = '';
echo '...';


This no longer works

echo '...';


Is it a bug or a feature?

I dont know!

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We've had the same problem on our cart. Oddly enough, Opera was the only browser that had a problem. Both IE and Firefox were able to view the cart without any problems. I should note that I use Opera, so IE and Firefox may not have had some session data that Opera did, though clearing the cookies did not help.




-EDIT: Sorry, IE and Firefox both had cookie problems, but did actually display the catalogs.

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Has anybody found a solution to this problem, I have had 2 domains suspended now for crashing their CPU. I am on a shared server so I can't really go in and make changes to their PHP. What is the most efficient way to get the shop to pull up and function?

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I am sorry but I have to say, if I were you, the most effecient way is to move to a new host.



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