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Getting "admin" password protected and other warning


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Hi ! I am new to oscommerce. I just installed it on my server host. Everything is fine except for the following message that I get on my home :


" Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/www/iaktok.100webspace.net/catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file."


I read in the manual that I should set the permission to 444 if I still see this message after having set it to 644 but I am unable to do so in my cpannel. I am not so experienced so I don't know how to fix it in other way . Could someone help me ? CHmod not from the cpannel of my server ? is it possible ?



The other problem is the following : I have to get the admin area password protected as said in the documentation. The problem is I don't know how to do this with the .haccess file. I could do it in my cpannel but I have read I can't change it from my cpannel if there is an .haccess file in the admin directory which there is ...


So may I delete the .hacces in my admin folder and then protect the folder from the cpannel or do I need the .haccess file for something else ?


Otherwise how could I simply do it with the .htaccess file ?


Thank you very much in advance !


Best regards,



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