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The e-commerce.

Debian Sarge with custom Apache 2.2.3


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I have a custom compiled version of Apache 2.2.3, mainly because of some mod_perl stuff I also have running.


I have sucessfully (as far as I can tell) compiled and installed PHP 5 on the system. A typical info page works well, and phpMyAdmin works like a charm.


Now I am trying to install osCommerce, but I get stuck at this screen: '/catalog/install/install.php?step=2'


This is the screen that pops up just after you click on 'New Installation'. Both check boxes are checked, and when I click on continue, I just get the same page back again.


Here is what I have done so far:


* The directory and files are owned by the same user the web server is running as

* All regular files are now with 755 permission

* I have enabled error logging in php.ini and modified register_globals to be "On"


When I click the 'Continue' button, I only have one entry in my access_log file: - - [14/Feb/2007:14:19:49 +0200]"POST /shop/catalog/install/install.php?step=2 HTTP/1.1" 200 4991 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061206 Firefox/"


No errors in the PHP error log.


I have also tried recomiling PHP 4, but weird things start to happen then, like phpMyAdmin looses a lot of formatting etc. osCommerce can install using PHP 4, but after the installation, as soon as I want to use the admin facility OR visit the shop front end, the Apache child segfaults and nothing returns to the browser. The error log shows the following:


[Wed Feb 14 13:44:45 2007][notice] child pid 27172 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)


Any ideas?



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Its a problem with oscommerce and php5. register_long_arrays = on in the php.ini.

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