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Search does not find....


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you enter xxxxx-xxxxx and search box does not find. You enter xxxxxxxxxx and search finds this number. Numbers with a dash or a space or even words that are plural it is not finding i.e(will find blade but not blades). Please advise.

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you enter xxxxx-xxxxx and search box does not find. You enter xxxxxxxxxx and search finds this number. Numbers with a dash or a space or even words that are plural it is not finding i.e(will find blade but not blades). Please advise.



Kinda the problem i had with someone types widgets and a single widget does not show up


I found most of this on another page


on advance_search_result locate

" if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['keywords'])) {"


and replace that section with


if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['keywords'])) {

$keywords = $HTTP_GET_VARS['keywords'];

$stringlength = strlen($keywords);

if(substr($keywords, $stringlength-1, $stringlength) == 's') $keywords = substr($keywords, 0, $stringlength-1);




You could mod that to fit yours or even add another if for a dash

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