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Sales Tax configuration


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Hi All


For some reason I cannot get the sales tax configuration correct. Sales tax is applied to the shipping and also to the product no matter which state the order comes from.. I only want sales tax applied in NYS.


HELP Please...


Bobby B

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Hi Bobby


Taxes are confusing.

I've got mine working OK, but I still get confused when I look back at what I've got set up :)


Try this:


Go to Admin > Locations/Taxes > Tax Zones


All you want is one Zone that includes only NYS.

So delete the default 'Florida', and create one for NYS.


Then just set up tax classes and the corresponding tax rates and you're done.


For example:

For my site in the UK I have two tax zones: UK and EC

(EC = 27 countries in Europe including all the regions in Spain except three! That was one boring evening.)

The tax classes are SR (standard rated) and ZR (zero rated)

And the rates are 17.5% (SR) and [of course] 0% (ZR)




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Thanks for the reply.. I almost have it correct... I have it applying NYS to NYS orders and NO tax to other states / zones..

Only thing left is that it applies tax to ALL orders for the US Postal service... IF the user select the USP shipping option...


Where does one turn off that feature..


YES you get 2 sales tax lines if you are ordering within the state of NY.

one for the item and one for the USPS shipping.


Thanks again

Bobby B




Hi Bobby


Taxes are confusing.

I've got mine working OK, but I still get confused when I look back at what I've got set up :)


Try this:


Go to Admin > Locations/Taxes > Tax Zones


All you want is one Zone that includes only NYS.

So delete the default 'Florida', and create one for NYS.


Then just set up tax classes and the corresponding tax rates and you're done.


For example:

For my site in the UK I have two tax zones: UK and EC

(EC = 27 countries in Europe including all the regions in Spain except three! That was one boring evening.)

The tax classes are SR (standard rated) and ZR (zero rated)

And the rates are 17.5% (SR) and [of course] 0% (ZR)




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