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UPS XML module and a problem


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Hello. For some reason whenever I go to the shipping modules page in the admin panel, something happens and then my shipping modules don't work. Instead I get this error on the checkout_shipping.php page: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class xmldocument in /home/www/airlinemuseum/catalog/includes/classes/xmldocument.php on line 18 I have discovered I can fix it by manually editing the configurations table and removing upsxml.php from the MODULE_SHIPPING_INSTALLED record. Am I supposed to store the upsxml.php file somewhere else? If so, where and if it is not stored in the modules/shipping folder, how do I access the settings?



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For some reason whenever I go to the shipping modules page in the admin panel, something happens and then my shipping modules don't work. Instead I get this error on the checkout_shipping.php page: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class xmldocument in /home/www/airlinemuseum/catalog/includes/classes/xmldocument.php on line 18 I have discovered I can fix it by manually editing the configurations table and removing upsxml.php from the MODULE_SHIPPING_INSTALLED record. Am I supposed to store the upsxml.php file somewhere else? If so, where and if it is not stored in the modules/shipping folder, how do I access the settings?
Have you read this post in the UPS XML contribution thread? From the fact that you also get an error in the admin I would suggest also to check if you uploaded the upsxml.php file that is in catalog/includes/modules/shipping by accident also in the language section (different file with the same name).
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