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The e-commerce.

Whos Online to display on index footer


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Hi there good people,


I have done several searches on "whos online" and none of the results have given me a solution.


I would like to have the "whos online" feature to display on the index page of my store (I have

seen many stores with it in the footer) I have tried to figure it out myself but to no avail.


Would one of you knowledgeable people please instruct me on how I can have it to display

whos online in either the footer or in a separate (new) box on the index page, whichever is

easier and less time consuming.


Thanking You in advance




Hi there good people,


I have done several searches on "whos online" and none of the results have given me a solution.


I would like to have the "whos online" feature to display on the index page of my store (I have

seen many stores with it in the footer) I have tried to figure it out myself but to no avail.


Would one of you knowledgeable people please instruct me on how I can have it to display

whos online in either the footer or in a separate (new) box on the index page, whichever is

easier and less time consuming.


Thanking You in advance






OK, I will answer my own question!


I need to download the Whos Online enhancement which will also create a box with this feature on the index page.


Thanks everyone for your great help NOT!


Honestly, if it's an answer as simple as that which you osc gurus could answer in a flash, then why not just answer the question?


I spent forever searching for anything relevant to my question, after searching through many topics and reading pages and pages of irrelevant posts which the search brought up I finally found a post which closely matched my query.


If I see a question posted and I know the answer then I will save that person the time and frustration of searching for their answer via a useless search facility as provided here.


That's my 20 cents worth...








fancy having a moan cause no one answered your question !!


it is so easy to come across a problem and just post it in the hope of someone taking the timeout to answer it


but as you have displayed - the answer was there in the forums already


take time to search - your query will not be the first time someone has encountered the problem


searches are better either using site search via google - xxx site:www.oscommerce.com/forums


or - i use




which is google's custom search engine

fancy having a moan cause no one answered your question !!


it is so easy to come across a problem and just post it in the hope of someone taking the timeout to answer it


but as you have displayed - the answer was there in the forums already


take time to search - your query will not be the first time someone has encountered the problem


searches are better either using site search via google - xxx site:www.oscommerce.com/forums


or - i use




which is google's custom search engine



I can moan if I want to! There's no point answering my post now because I already answered my own question.


It is so easy to make assumptions and generalize!


I did take the time to search for the solution, too much time! I did use google as well and it made no difference to finding the answer, just increased my search time.


and just for your information, I searched for quite some time before taking the action to "just post it in the hope of someone taking the timeout to answer it"


Yes, the answer was in the forums already but the time I took searching for that answer was unnecessary!


Now I have hopefully made finding the answer to this query easier for the next person with a straight forward answer in the same thread....


Now... why don't you run along and try patronising someone else with your unhelpful comments!





i dont see why you have to be so rude


i was trying to help you giving you info on better ways to search


Yes, the answer was in the forums already but the time I took searching for that answer was unnecessary!


what - unnecessary when someone else should have/could have saved you the time ?

i dont see why you have to be so rude


i was trying to help you giving you info on better ways to search

what - unnecessary when someone else should have/could have saved you the time ?



If your initial comment had not been so condescending


fancy having a moan cause no one answered your question !!


it is so easy to come across a problem and just post it in the hope of someone taking the timeout to answer it


Then my reply to you would have been much different!


I see so many queries in these forums where it is quite evident the OP hasn't even bothered to look or conduct a search beforehand, some posts are so blatantly obvious yet they start a new one anyhow, then you have the OP's who post the same question more than once because they didn't receive a response to the first post. I responsibly answered my own post and if I had a moan about not getting a response for a question that isn't asked that often, then that's my choice.


Thankyou for the link to google even though I already had it and it made no difference in finding the solution...



Maybe you should rethink your approach when responding to a post and instead of bagging someone out if they've had a moan about not getting any help, you could have said


"Glad to see you found the answer, next time you do a search try this [link inserted here] you may find it more useful."



and to that you will receive a much better response, like


"Thanks mate, I'll keep that in mind when I do my next search"







I'm gonna have to side with squalid on this one... In your 2nd post where you answered your own question, you said:


Thanks everyone for your great help NOT!


Honestly, if it's an answer as simple as that which you osc gurus could answer in a flash, then why not just answer the question?

If it's an answer as simple as that, then why didn't you know it already? Not everyone is familiar with all of the available contributions and their nuances, and it could be that the ones that were familiar with that information simply weren't logged into the board at the time... And you gave everyone a whopping 1 hour and 50 minutes before delivering your rant, essentially calling the gurus a bunch of a-holes for not jumping on your post the instant it appeared... Don't be surprised when someone gets defensive about it, and don't consider it condescention when they do defend themselves... Of course you did have every right to post your rant, but they also have every right to combat your snootiness with their own retort...




What is this, 7th grade? Try to have a little professionalism...



Richard Lindsey

I'm gonna have to side with squalid on this one... In your 2nd post where you answered your own question, you said:


If it's an answer as simple as that, then why didn't you know it already? Not everyone is familiar with all of the available contributions and their nuances, and it could be that the ones that were familiar with that information simply weren't logged into the board at the time... And you gave everyone a whopping 1 hour and 50 minutes before delivering your rant, essentially calling the gurus a bunch of a-holes for not jumping on your post the instant it appeared... Don't be surprised when someone gets defensive about it, and don't consider it condescention when they do defend themselves... Of course you did have every right to post your rant, but they also have every right to combat your snootiness with their own retort...

What is this, 7th grade? Try to have a little professionalism...





fancy having a moan cause you dont like the way a post was phrased..









And to add further to my last comment, the following post I copied and pasted to here as it is relevant to this thread and adequately justifies my rant! (apologies to Jack_mcs for bringing you into this thread but you summed up my belief of the purpose of this forum perfectly so thankyou for sharing the same view!)



There are many shops that use the package where the shop owner haven't a clue about php. It is not required to know it to run the shop. There is a steep learning curve though. Oscommerce is a large package with many options. No one, at least that I know of, starts using any new program and knows how to run it completely right from the start. You have to work at it. Most of the help you will need is right here on the forums. If you ask specific questions about problems you are having, you should be able to get an answer.


If you are having problems installing it, I suggest that you first check your hosts control panel. They usually have the option to install it for you. It may not set it up in the best way and it is unlikely that it will have the latest oscommerce updates, but you can certainly use what it installs and make the needed changes as you become more familiar with the package.


If your host doesn't offer that option, you should start a new thread and state exactly what problem you are having with the install (failing on step 2, for example). You should also go to google and type in to see what problems others have had (you may need to replace "install fails" with some other search term to find relevant results).


Don't give up just yet. This is a great package and it works well for people without any php knowledge. You just have to keep trying.



And to add further to my last comment, the following post I copied and pasted to here as it is relevant to this thread and adequately justifies my rant! (apologies to Jack_mcs for bringing you into this thread but you summed up my belief of the purpose of this forum perfectly so thankyou for sharing the same view!)

As far as I could read, I didn't see anything relevant in jack's post really... He went over the usual steps, search for what you need first, and failing that, post a cry for help in here... Nowhere in there did he say post a cry for help, and if no one has solved your problem under 2 hours, insult the community since you managed to solve the problem yourself...



Richard Lindsey

As far as I could read, I didn't see anything relevant in jack's post really... He went over the usual steps, search for what you need first, and failing that, post a cry for help in here... Nowhere in there did he say post a cry for help, and if no one has solved your problem under 2 hours, insult the community since you managed to solve the problem yourself...





I really don't feel the need to justify myself any further and I really don't care if I have put a few members offside with my initial comment, as I said I was (and am) entitled to my opinion, people can choose to take it however they wish.


I will not continue to play games and answer to your retorts, I am mature enough to get over it and move on, I suggest you do the same...






.. And you gave everyone a whopping 1 hour and 50 minutes before delivering your rant


Initial thread posted at 12.28 AM

2nd post was at 2.18 PM


Simple mathematics would tell me that the time elapsed between posts was actually 13 Hours and 50 Minutes!


and do keep in mind that I average approach 4.5 to 5 hours sleep each night and as all of my work is Internet related I spend a minimum of 10 hours on the net 6 days a week and I did spend at least 3 hours searching for an answer to this query.


Now that I've pointed that out as well as you missing the point completely about Jacks post being relevant (I was referring to the top half of his post)... as I said in my last post I do not feel the need to justify myself further and I will now move on and forget about this thread...unless of course you have something further to add which prompts me to respond!


Have a good day




Initial thread posted at 12.28 AM

2nd post was at 2.18 PM


Simple mathematics would tell me that the time elapsed between posts was actually 13 Hours and 50 Minutes!


and do keep in mind that I average approach 4.5 to 5 hours sleep each night and as all of my work is Internet related I spend a minimum of 10 hours on the net 6 days a week and I did spend at least 3 hours searching for an answer to this query.


Now that I've pointed that out as well as you missing the point completely about Jacks post being relevant (I was referring to the top half of his post)... as I said in my last post I do not feel the need to justify myself further and I will now move on and forget about this thread...unless of course you have something further to add which prompts me to respond!


Have a good day




You're right, I missed the AM/PM on those timelines, so it was more time than I quoted... However, there are many questions that go unanswered on here... I've got one of my own on here that's been up for over a week and a half or so, and the only replies to it were my own to bump it back to the top... I just assume no one knows how to answer it, and I keep looking for the answer myself... As for you being too mature to play these games, I think your bite me, and bite me x 2 comments show how mature you are... It wasn't unnecessary time spent if you learned how to solve your own problem. This is a free support community, so don't get your panties in a bunch when no one's available to help you... I mean it's not like you're paying for world-class support...



Richard Lindsey

This is a free support community, so don't get your panties in a bunch when no one's available to help you... I mean it's not like you're paying for world-class support...


very true.


there are often posts which moan and complain that they havent received the help they wanted, but there are so many freelancer sites out there - if they put money where mouth is - they would get instant assistance !


the posts that are the best are surely the ones that go along the lines of ' i will stop using oscommerce and go to 'insert some obscure shopping cart system here ' unless i get the answers to my questions !!


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