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Where do I execute SQL statement?


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I'm using code I found on this support site to make it so I can enable/disable categories like products. I replaced all the code in the different *.php files but after that the author of the addin said to


"Copy each of the files included to their appropriate locations, then Run

the following SQL statement:


ALTER TABLE categories ADD categories_status TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT "1" NOT NULL;' "


I don't know what that means. Anyone tell me where to run that? please and thanks from a new guy. -Ian

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if your hosting provided you with "phpmyadmin" you enter it under the tab SQL



I ran it, added all the files..and now..I can browse and purchase in my catalog, but my admin is totally broken. I get the following error...can anyone help?



Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_output_string() in /home/content/b/o/s/boston2251/html/catalog/admin/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 67

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did you edit all the files as per instruction of your contibution? looks like there is a function missing the html_output.php calles on.

most funtions get defined in general.php. read over your instructions again and see if you missed anything

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did you edit all the files as per instruction of your contibution? looks like there is a function missing the html_output.php calles on.

most funtions get defined in general.php. read over your instructions again and see if you missed anything


new error...

when I got to catalog/admin/ I get


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_languages() in /home/content/b/o/s/boston2251/html/catalog/admin/index.php on line 58



I'm following this contribution




and I don't know if I just missed something ...can I just download a fresh copy of oscommerce, and replace the admin stuff or will that screw up the changes to the catalog? basically I want to try to figure out how to make the whole disable enable categories thing work but I keep getting errors so I'm scared I'm gonna lose my time spent entering product info(If I haven't already) thanks for your advice -Ian

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I'm relatively new to oscommerce as well so I cannot guarantie. but the products are stored in the database so if you just overwrite the admin files it should work, make sure you keep hte configure.php intact that keps your password to the database and all the important settings for your site.

It's always a good idea to keep a copy of your curent working files before making any changes, that way itt's relatively easy to rolback in case some contribution does not work for you

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