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Show category counts


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You can set it to show the category counts in your admin console.

No not the categories menu, rather the index.php page under where it says Categories and then lists all the subcategories.

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Perhaps I dont understand what you are looking for.


The column which shows your categories on every page?


If you have shows category count as true in your admin (my store) then it would show the category count for both the main category and the subcategory.


Like this:


T Shirts (20)


Then if you clicked on T Shirts the subcategories would tree down like this:


T Shirts (20)

Red (5)

Blue (10)

Green (2)

Yellow (3)



Thats what I was speaking of. I am not sure where else you would be putting the category counts on the main page. Maybe you need to share your url so we can see what you mean.

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