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The e-commerce.

Any more OsCommerce buttons and Icons to choose from?


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Anyone know of anywhere where I'd be able to download either free/paid buttons and/or icon sets for OScommerce?


The default buttons aren't that bad but it'll be nice to have something different, and I want to replace the icons because they are just terrible pixelated clipart!

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Anyone know of anywhere where I'd be able to download either free/paid buttons and/or icon sets for OScommerce?


do a search for buttons in the contribution section. there's a bunch


If you don't know look under "Community" in the menu bar above to get to the contributions section

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do a search for buttons in the contribution section. there's a bunch


If you don't know look under "Community" in the menu bar above to get to the contributions section



There are a number of options as far as buttons go:


1. Change them to CSS styled buttons.

2. Check out some of the contributions as travtele615 suggested.

3. Use an online button generator such as the one found here.

4. Make your own.


I'm sure there are other options but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I've used the button generator for a couple of projects and they have been pretty much fine although I am going to make myself some nicer buttons soon. there are many tutorials on the web about making buttons and other such graphics. Just do a search for button tutorial or something like that.




I have found a lot of usable icons on the web. There are many places to find them. Again, try Google. Some of the icons I have used were open source operating system icons that fit for a different message/meaning. Open Source Clip Art has a few gems but most is fairly low standard compared to the icon sets I have found.


All this said, I usually remove all the icons from an osc install because they usually don't fit the designs I'm working on. The less clutter the better.

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