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The e-commerce.

Sub Catagories not displaying in page


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Hello all,


have a look at this: www.busybeedirect.co.uk


Now if you for example click on bracelets in the menu to your left, you will see there are sub catagories like "Gemstone Collection" and "Luxury Murano Glass", however the sub catagories and image are not being displayed atchually in front of you.


Any ideas?

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Oh, I see what you mean. You have subcats under Bracelets and, when Bracelets is clicked, the subcats


Jewellery-> (67)

-- Bracelets-> (17)

---- Gemstone Collection (8)

---- Luxury Murano Glass (8)

-- Earrings-> (5)

-- Necklaces/Pendants-> (39)

-- Rings-> (6)

Collectables (2)

Ladies Accessories-> (3)

Young Adult Section-> (12)

Clearance (6)


are not showing up as clickable categories on the main page.


I notice (on page refresh) you have


---- Gemstone Collection (8)

---- Luxury Murano Glass (8)


now showing up as subcats under Earrings. This functions. Looks like you're trying to resolve this by moving your categories around in Admin. You're making progress :)



It's all just ones and zeros....

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there is a problem with the default index.php file. When you have sub-categories and products at the same level it only lists the products. There was a contribution I think that explains the problem but briefly what you want to do is within this clause

  } elseif ($category_depth == 'products' || isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) {

you must add the categories code. It is in the same file.

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