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The e-commerce.

sessions, whos online and databases

Rachael w.

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I have a couple of oscommerce sites. I am finding that the sessions and whos online tables are filling up and boiling over compacity. Is there a way to alter these tables so they dump every so often?


Thanks in advance for any assistance!

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Well, this is what my whos online table looks like...notice the overhead. Is this something I should worry about? I checked this after deleting the contents of the table and these results are after just a couple visitors and some spiders.


Space usage:

Type Usage

Data 4,124 Bytes

Index 1,024 Bytes

Overhead 2,320 Bytes

Effective 2,828 Bytes

Total 5,148 Bytes

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Where did you add the code in includes/application_top ?

tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_SESSIONS . " where expiry < '" . (time()-2592000) . "'");


I am not really familiar with this, but it seems it should maybe have a bit of code before and after like a } or something ? Where in the file did you add it ?

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