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The e-commerce.

Table were email adresses are stored


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Hello... First off all, im new here. I have a small internet business (http://www.realpix.nl) in Holland, and i just had a new customer how has a webstore that is running on osCommerce. I made all kind off design changes and some changes in the backoffice for him.


The only thing is... The firm who installed and made the first design of osCommerce for him, also entered there own email adres into osCommerce, so they get a email when a order is placed. Only this one had gone bankrupt and that email adres doesnt excist anymore. The strange thing is... The mailadres isn't visible in the backoffice of osCommerce.


I just want to delete it straid from the database, but i dont know in wich table it is stored. Can somebody please tell me that?


To be short: It's an emailadres that had been entered somewhere to receive emails when a order is placed.


Thanks in advance!



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check table configuration

INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) VALUES ('E-Mail Address', 'STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'root@localhost', 'The e-mail address of my store owner', '1', '3', now());

this is the line of sql that creates store owner email address.


So if You are not much aware of Mysql syntax.

Just reach configuration table and search for email.



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