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I'm new to this, and just starting to find my way around. I've got this message, when I try to change my left column. How do I do this?


Error: I can not write to this file. Please set the right user permissions on: /home/complete/public_html/catalog//includes/column_left.php





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I'm new to this, and just starting to find my way around. I've got this message, when I try to change my left column. How do I do this?


Error: I can not write to this file. Please set the right user permissions on: /home/complete/public_html/catalog//includes/column_left.php





I'm assuming you're trying to edit using the file manager included in osCommerce.

Well without looking at it directly myself, I'd say FTP in to your site, find your column_left.php, rightclick it, go to properties, and make sure the Owner's Permissions are checked for Write.

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