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I`d like to ask, is it possible to install only catalog to the site, without online-shop. I need only the possibillity to add new items to the catalog. The Search would also necessary. So can i somehow install only the catalog to the site?

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I`d like to ask, is it possible to install only catalog to the site, without online-shop. I need only the possibillity to add new items to the catalog. The Search would also necessary. So can i somehow install only the catalog to the site?


Yes why not. Online shop (shopping cart) comes free with catalog in OSC so it is upto you if you want to use shopping cart or not.


Does this help?

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so can i somehow just put the necessary files, or i should upload all files but just remove links - create account, add to cart etc.? Where i can find all these things? in "includes" folder, header, footer, etc? or i should remove it other way?

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