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The e-commerce.

Newsletter Default to Enabled


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When users sign up I want the newsletter option to be automatically ticked. (So that users will automatically be subscribed, they have to choose not to be subscribed)


How can I do this?



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Find this line in account_newsletters.php


<td><div align=\"left\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"list_on_off\" value=\"1\"><font size=\"-2\">" . TEXT_SUBSCRIBE . "</font>   <input type=\"radio\" name=\"list_on_off\" value=\"0\"><font size=\"-2\">" . TEXT_UNSUBSCRIBE . "</font></div></td>


Change it to:


<td><div align=\"left\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"list_on_off\" value=\"1\" checked><font size=\"-2\">" . TEXT_SUBSCRIBE . "</font>   <input type=\"radio\" name=\"list_on_off\" value=\"0\"><font size=\"-2\">" . TEXT_UNSUBSCRIBE . "</font></div></td>



Note just added the word "checked" to it after the value=\"1\"

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  • 2 months later...

I changed create_account.php to include ,checked in this line

<td class="main"><?php echo tep_draw_checkbox_field('newsletter', '1',checked) . ' ' . (tep_not_null(ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_TEXT) ? '<span class="inputRequirement">' . ENTRY_NEWSLETTER_TEXT . '</span>': ''); ?></td>


Does this look OK? It seems to work.

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  • 2 months later...
Find this line in account_newsletters.php


<td><div align=\"left\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"list_on_off\" value=\"1\"><font size=\"-2\">" . TEXT_SUBSCRIBE . "</font>   <input type=\"radio\" name=\"list_on_off\" value=\"0\"><font size=\"-2\">" . TEXT_UNSUBSCRIBE . "</font></div></td>


Change it to:


<td><div align=\"left\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"list_on_off\" value=\"1\" checked><font size=\"-2\">" . TEXT_SUBSCRIBE . "</font>   <input type=\"radio\" name=\"list_on_off\" value=\"0\"><font size=\"-2\">" . TEXT_UNSUBSCRIBE . "</font></div></td>

Note just added the word "checked" to it after the value=\"1\"


Can't find this on account_newsletters.php. But Justrimless' suggestion seems to work just fine.


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