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Hi all, I'm very new to this (as a lot of people are, it seems) and am trying to set up a store for an organization's website (applied-ethology.org/shop).


I've got the main index page pretty much the way they want it but have some questions. Do I have to go in and edit all the php pages? For example, I tried a sample purchase/checkout and I found that boxes I had deleted on the index page were showing up (bestsellers, tell a friend, etc). So do I have to edit all the php pages for checkout, etc? I'm also having trouble getting the heading names to show up properly on the products pages (along with an "n" that shows up on the top of the page as well).


I know these are probably simple questions but would really appreciate any help with this.





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The boxes are added/deleted via the column_left or column_right files. If you deleted them from those, then they shouldn't show up in any part of your shop. If you are using a template, that may not be the case. The reason for the n's is because you are using the admin filemanager. That is broken and you shouldn't use it unless you apply the latest updates for oscommerce.



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Thanks for the reply, Jack


I have removed those boxes from the left/right columns but it's when I go into checkout (which is the https site) that that index page isn't updated as it's using my http pages. How do I get the https to use my http pages?




The reason for the n's is because you are using the admin filemanager. That is broken and you shouldn't use it unless you apply the latest updates for oscommerce.




So, the admin file manager is broken?? What should I use instead or how do I apply updates (again, sorry for the stupid questions).



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If your host has set up your site to exist in http and an https directories, then you will have to apply any changes you make twice. If there is only one directory, then the changes should be seen site-wide, regardless if it is http or https.


The better way to edit files is to download them to your computer with an ftp program (like Filezilla) and edit them with a php editor (like HTML-Kit). Then upload the changed file back to the server. This may sound like more work but it is easier than dealing with the slow admin. Plus some editors have feartures like spell-check, which is very important for site work. Both programs I mentioned are free. There are many others that also work well.



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