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Need to hire a programmer for a discount coupon module


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Hi all,


Just launched OS Commerce as my shopping cart software this week. www.williamscycling.com. I have a discount coupon Codes Module loaded. It is called "Discount Coupon Codes Module". It only allows a % discount or $ discount for the entire order. I need a discount module that will offer % or $ discount on products added to the shopping cart...not the total.


Example of what I want...


Discount code Product % discount

apple Wheel System 19 20.04%

apple Wheel System 30 16.7014%

apple Wheel System 30x 18.4049%


So, the discount code "apple" gets a certain % or $ discount depending on what wheel set they buy.


I would like to hire a programmer who can design this. I would like to be able to add in the code names and set the % or $ discounts as sponsored teams come and go. I would also like this to be available for about 20 products.


I look forward to your reply,


Keith Williams


Williams Cycling

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