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The e-commerce.

I just need some general help here guys. Need suggestions


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I'm kinda new to OS Commerce.


I suck as coding so I'm kinda learning as I go here.


My carts setup but things are not going too smoothly. Having alot of payment issues. Maybe you guys can suggest ways to help me.


My main problem is the way people pay. Most of my customers either have Paypal or have credit cards. Currently, I'm taking money orders, Paypal and credit cards via normal Paypal.


My biggest problem is 75% or more of the people who try to buy, Paypal says unverified shipping address. Now I would assume this was a simple matter of a non verified address but some of these customers swear up and down its the address attached to there credit card.


The other problem is that OSC allows for a shipping and billing address. Some people come to my site, put in there proper billing address then an alternative shipping address like work, friends, etc and Paypal says unverified because of this.


Can I make it so they can only enter a single address?


Also is there a more effective way to take credit card payments that will verify properly then normal paypal?

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I'm going to guess no because I have no idea what WPP is.


I went to Paypal.com, clicked sign up for Paypal. Signed up as a personal member, then upgraded my account to a business account. Thats it.


How do I remove the option from OSC for a customer to have more then one address. I do NOT want my customers to be able to enter a diffrent billing address and shipping address. Just being able to do so makes my customers assume we are willing to ship to another address.


I get this crap A LOT. They enter there billing address, then there shipping address is diffrent. Maybe they want me to ship to there work or something.


I want each customer to be able to enter ONLY one address and add no others to there account.


Also is there a simple way to mark items that are out of stock as out of stock but still display the price and have it be shown on my page? Every time I mark something out of stock, it disappears from the cart. Then I get people emailing asking why we don't sell a certain item.


The couple I did find sucked bad. One of them would change the button to say "sold out" but thats only if the customer actually clicked the product to get to the description. If they clicked the buy now button outside of that, it still adds the damn product to the cart and allows them to buy it.

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Check Your paypal profile setup on Paypal site for shipping address and other settings.

it has got to do with Your Paypal setting.




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